The History of Vandling, PA

The present day land of the Vandling Borough is comprised of land that was granted into warranties by the Pennsylvania State government. The warrantees in the Vandling area were Peter Beach, George Porter, Patrick Gray and Peter Gray.
The new populated section of Vandling was called St. Patrick’s named after Patrick Gray, one of the warrantees who obtained parts of the southeastern section of Vandling, on April 3, 1792. Through a series of wills, grants, and indentures by the owners of the land from Philadelphia, New York, and Carbondale, PA, the land of the present-day residential section was finally purchased by the Northern Coal and Iron Co. from Robert L. Kennedy, of New York, on April 18, 1866. Actual settling of Vandling, then called Clintonville, probably began soon after 1866. The first purchases of land for settling and establishing industries were by the Northern Coal & Iron Co., the Hillside Coal & Iron Co., and the Delaware & Hudson Coal Co.
Fell Township of which Vandling is a part, was heavily wooded, and the converting of the forest into lumber was the important industry; sawmills sprang up along the water courses, and tanneries, to utilize the bark, soon followed. Until the discovery of coal, lumbering, tanning and farming were the only occupations carried on in the township. In 1864, the Williams Coal Mine, on Elk Creek was opened, and later the mines of the Delaware & Hudson Coal Co., around which sprang the small village of Clintonville. The name Clintonville probably originated from the names of the D&H Coal Co. mines in the area—the Clinton mines.
Fell Township was divided into four districts. Clintonville was in the fourth district, the extreme northeastern part of the township.
Abraham H. Vandling, a former land agent, took an active interest in the village and was appointed superintendent of the D&H Coal Co. mines in the area.
Already, in the year 1891, the Clinton Colliery of the D&H Coal Co. had mined 122,832 tons of coal, shipped 17,737 tons, and worked a total of 221 days.
There were 50 dwellings in Clintonville at this time. James J. Lavin was granted a license for a hotel in March 1892, and built Clintonville’s first hotel. Clintonville was exclusively a mining town bordering the Moosic Mountains, five miles north of Carbondale, and one mile south of Forest City. Clintonville had an area of two square miles. According to an article in the Scranton Tribune, April 14, 1892, the houses were built with the latest modern improvements, in a neat manner. Clintonville already had a good-sized hotel, a general merchandise store run by H. D. Mitchell, and a meat market. Of a progressive spirit, the inhabitants were agitating for a post office. Residents expected a depot placement on the Erie Railroad. They boasted of the finest water in this section of the state, and they had water works within two miles of the mainland. The D&H Coal Co. breaker was erected in July and had a capacity of 800 tons of coal per day. The coal was of excellent quality with little or no dirt. Mine boss Wm. Bryden and weighing clerk Fred Smith, directed the mines. Clintonville had the best school building in Fell Township. The mines employed 350 men and the total payroll was $12,000 per month. Undoubtedly, Clintonville was a good area for real estate, and the investors were taking advantage of the cheap building lots.
This prediction appeared in the April 14, 1892 issue of the Scranton Tribune "Clintonville will, without a doubt, in a short time be a prominent place among the D&H mining towns because of its commanding position and excellent view."
The Union Sunday school was organized in February 1893. The officers of the 40 member organization were Richard Llewellyn, secretary and Harry Vizzard, treasurer.
A post office was established in Clintonville on February 21, 1893. First Postmaster was H. D. Mitchell. The name of the village was then changed to Vandling, in honor of Abraham H. Vandling, of Scranton.
At this time, Vandling news was being reported in the Carbondale Leader, by Benjamin B. Milton, a Vandling resident. The Forest City News had an interesting weekly coverage of Vandling happenings.
A lot was laid out by the D&H Coal Co. for the Congregational Church in the parsonage on Main Street. The ground was leased by the trustees of the church at a rental charge of $.10 a year for 10 years. The contract provided that the Ladies Aid Society could purchased the land for $750 any time within 10 years.
Vandling people received word that beginning May 28, 1893, passenger trains would stop the Vandling, thus making Vandling depot on the Jefferson branch of the Erie Railroad.
On June 1, 1893, this prediction appeared in the Forest City News: "We think in the future there will be a Borough of Vandling that will rival the population of Forest City. At the present rate of growth, very soon our hamlet will demand something better in the way of local government than Fell Township can give us."
At this time, houses on Main Street were rented for $7 to $10 a month with a $.75 water rent.
The road north of Vandling is graded in 1893, and a new stone bridge was built across the creek. Company hands were clearing the brush for the opening of Railroad Street, parallel to Main Street.
On October 21, 1893, Vandling experiences first major fire. Owen Rooney’s $4,000 hotel was completely destroyed by fire. The hotel was later rebuilt.
The population of Vandling in 1893 was 460.
Vandling's first football team was organized in November. In March 1894, a brass band was organized. Charles Melville was the bandleader.
On June 7, 1894, the ground was broken for the Congregational Church. The 22' x 44' structure was to have 22 x 40 annex, and was to seat 350 people. The basement was made for social events. The parsonage was 20' x 26'. The triangular lot (203' x 235' x 215' ), was on Main Street, across from the post office. Henry Bor, of Forest City, was contractor. Rev. J. G. Evans, Vandling's first pastor, lived in the Wedeman building until the parsonage was completed.
In June 1984 and Vandling picnic grounds was cleared and arranged by the band members.
Lackawanna County appointed viewers to lay out a proposed road and Fell Township--a public road from Carbondale to Vandling, at a point called Ash Street, running northwest and ending on the county line between Lackawanna and Susquehanna counties.
The first Hose Co. was organized in the summer of 1894. The members were: A. D. Bryden, president; William Lavin, vice president; Ezra Thomas, secretary; G. E. Wederman, treasurer; John Evans, firemen, and Wells Burdick, pipeman.
On July 19, 1894, Dr. J. W. McGuire, a Baltimore Medical Center graduate, began his practice in Vandling. He was Vandling's first doctor.
In the summer of 1894, a Forest City correspondent of the Scranton Tribune, termed Vandling, "a suburb of Forest City." There were heated discussions about the remark. An article in the Forest City news by an irate Vandling resident said, "Forest City may soon be a suburb of Vandling, if Vandling grows as his is expected."
Grades are taking, and a contract was made for street cars to run on Main Street.
On August 9, 1894, a contract was made for launching the Vandling school building to accommodate the increasing number of students.
On Saturday, August 25, the cornerstone of the Congregational Church was laid.
In the year 1894, Vandling acquired many new businesses. Sing Loo, opened a "washee-washee" on June 5. Michael Gorman established a boarding house. J. D. Kennedy built a three-story structure on S. Main St.; the first floor was for store, the second for dwellings, and the third was a social store. Ella Schein opened the millinery and dressmaking store in July. In August, Thomas Madden opened a grocery store and the confectionery store. H. D. Bryden opened a dry goods store and a men's shop in the team Geuther building. John Yeager built Vandling's first livery stable. In November, a blacksmith shop was built, and failings first barber shop was opened by William Gray.
D & H Coal Co. made arrangements with the Rocke Cliffe water company to lay water mains to connect the Vandling with Brace broke, in case the supply in the D&H Company Reservoir ran short.
December 20, 1894, Abrahams H. Vandling visited the Congregational Church and donated $100. He called it, "the prettiest little church in the valley." The church was dedicated on January 22, 1895. Richard Lewellyn had previously organized a 40 member choir to participate in the ceremonies.
On January 25, 1895, the officers of the recently organized branch of the Washington National Building and Loan Association were elected: William Bryden, president, Thomas Harris, secretary, and Mrs. F. G. Osgood, treasurer.
On September 2, 1895, a Literary, Debating and Musical Society was organized. William Bryden, president, and Ezra Thomas, secretary, were the officers. The Literary Committee was composed of B. Milton, Thomas Johns, S. T. Fitzpatrick, Robert Jacques and Albert Nichcol.
Over the summer 14 new houses were built in Vandling. Vandling was steadily growing, both population and social affairs were improving.
In 1896, five people applied for hotel licenses of Vandling; two applied for restaurant licenses, and a wholesale dealer's license was applied for. The people protested. They felt that the sale of alcohol beverages great enough. Vandling, they felt, needed no more restaurants.
On March 5, 1896, the people of Vandling and Richmondale held a mass meeting to decide whether they should jointly be incorporated into a borough instead of being governed under fell Township. Richmondale decided to remain in fell Township. Vandling had to make its own decision.
Manager S. Wilson, and the Vandling. "Reds" baseball team called the club picnic August 17. The Reds challenged any club in Carbondale or vicinity between the ages of 14 and 17 to meet them on Vandling's new baseball diamond.
E. J. O’Keefe, Vandling's enthusiastic inventor filed for a patent in the Department of Washington, with drawings and specifications for a device he invented. According to the Forest City News it was an improvement in boxes holding miners’ squibs and matches. Neither awkward, nor complicated, it was a long tin box, oval in shape, with compartments for holding different articles.
In 1897, the Lodge of the Shields of Honor was formed.
A retaining wall on the schoolhouse front on Main Street was built and an iron fence installed.
On January 27, 1898, the $1600 school building was completely destroyed by fire. Luckily, it was totally covered by insurance. School is being held in the vacant store room of the Wedemam building. Fell Township announced that it would rebuild the school as soon as the insurance was settled.
There was a movement to organize a county football league, consisting of Richmondale, Priceburg, Providence, Avoca and Vandling. Vandling boasted of the strongest players-- Michael Melvin and James Murnin, who had previously played in England.
Undefeated in the area, Vandling Baseball team was searching for competition in the Wayne and Susquehanna counties.
Fell Township made Vandling school graded in 1898. They also impose the following regulations: all students aged 8 to 16 had to attend school 70% of the time; except for those students, aged 13 to 16, who were employed. These students had to attend night school for 16 weeks.
In 1899, there were 145 families, all dependent on employment in the D&H Coal company, and Hillside Coal and Iron Company mines. Simpson dominated the government of Fell Township. One sixth of the revenue of the Township came from Vandling, although no attention was paid to the school, highways, and other needs of the village. There was considerable agitation and discontentment among residents. They wanted to make Vandling a borough. On May 2, 1899, a meeting was held and the initial steps were taken to separate Vandling from Fell Township. James Madden, Richard Llewllyn and William Sredenschek were chosen to engage lawyers to settle the matter. Attorneys Williard, Warren and Knapp, of Scranton were engaged.
A finance committee composed of Charles Viney, and Benjamin Milton canvassed the town and collected $80 to defray the cost of legal bills.
On May 27, 1899, a petition was submitted asking for the creation of a borough. Of the 73 freeholders in the village, 67 signed the borough petition, and 50 of the 60 tax holders signed. The hearing was held before the Hon. Judge H. M. Edwards, on August 14.
On October 17, 1899, Judge Edwards declared the creation of the borough. Vandling was made a separate school district and election district.
The first election was held in Peter Butler's Hotel on November 7, 1899. This election took place to elect temporary officers of the borough and officials for the school district.
On February 22, 1900, the first permanent election took place. The following officials were elected: Burgess, J. P. Madden; Justice of the peace, Charles Viney; Overseer of the Poor, Joseph Bosick; Tax Collector, Nathaniel Davis; Borough Auditor, J. D. Kennedy; High Constable, Owen Rooney; Constable, Michael Melvin; Judge of Election, Robert Burt; Inspecter, James Williams; Borough Assessor, Richard Llewellyn; Borough Treasurer, P. H. Kearney; Street Commissioner, P. A. Butler.
In 1900 a police force was established in the borough.
On January 9, 1900, and ordinance was passed stating that steam and electric cars could not exceed 6 mph. The penalty for violation was a $25 fine.
In 1903, Vandling had much to offer his residence: for general merchandise stores, a drugstore, two hotels, a boarding house, a wholesale dealer free meat markets, and a half interest store, a men's shop, a livery stable, a blacksmith shop and a Chinese laundry, to boot and shoe stores, three confectionery stores, a lunchroom, a barber shop, a post office, the first Methodist Church, a fire department, a practicing doctor, a railroad depth, though, picnic grounds, a brass band and drum corps, the bull and baseball teams, a literary, musical and the baiting society, a large of the shields of honor, a working man's second death benefit fund, and high hopes for further development.
In the summer of 1805, a geographical Museum of the Vandling school, was it was install. It contained information of photographs from all over the world.
A meeting was held to organize and install YMCA game and athletic rooms in the rented hall. President of the local organization which Joseph Paynter, vice president. William Bailey; secretary, William Shawn's, and treasurer, James Mitchell.
On October 26, 1905, the last dollar in debt was paid off to fill Township.
In 1906, Vandling became a member of the anthracite Association legal for both teams.
On March 2, 1906, the Board of Health was organized.
In August, Vandling Council purchased a double jail cell to be established in the borough building.
On May 30, 1907, the Vandling hose Company had the plans drawn for their new building. It was 28' x 40'. The upper story was to house a social hall.
250 students enrolled in the Vandling high school in September, 2007.
On up to 17th, 1907,, the Vandling Council ordered either stolen or flagstone sidewalks to be laid within 30 days on all properties in the borough.
October 20, 1908, and ordinance is made which granted the contract for street lighting to the Lackawanna electric light and power Company.
In November 1908, the fire Ms. Hall was completed.
On February 16, 1909, an election was held to decide whether or not to purchase the hose Company building for Borough Hall. The voters decided to purchase the building. The jail cell at the voting place removed from Peter Butler's Hotel to the new borough building.
Failing school colors were chosen, purple and gold.
On July 6, 1911, the Hillside coal and iron Company started working on a new tunnel which extended from beneath oak street to the gray slope mind.
Another social club was organized the Vandling Cody club.
In 1912, curb stones were laid in Vandling.
The week of February 11, 1914, stormy us in the history of Vandling. It was 14 to 21° below zero, first with 12 to 20 feet high, and streetcars were tied up until March 7. This was the quote Billy Sunday's storm."
On February 17, 1914, a contract was granted to the day nor contracting company to grade the road in preparation for painting.
On May 28, 1914, the following statement appeared in the Forest City news: "our town is enjoying a genuine boom. Vandling will and, and must grow."
On January 28, 1915, the paving of bad Vandling's Main Street was completed.
The curfew ordinance was passed in 1915, stating that no child of 16 could be out in the public streets, avenues, alleys, dance halls, or public places after 9:00 PM.
Dr. E. E. Costello began his practice in 1950. Vandling then had two doctors.
April 17 were World War I, and took 64 of Vandling's men and boys for military duty.
The school board awarded a contract to Joseph J. Nolan to build a new school building. The structure was to be completed by August 1, 1918.
A Solvay society was organized in Vandling in 1918. Joseph collaboratives was secretary.
On June 28, 1919, Vandling held a massive "welcome home" celebration for the servicemen.
J. J. Walker, a Forest City, purchase the old school building for $3000. He planned to use it for manufacturing for purposes.
According to the 1920 census, Vandling's population was increasing. In 1910, there were 985 people and in 1920, there were 1258 people.
The Vandling still growing company was established in the old high school building in June 1921.
In September 1921, opposed of the American Legion was installed. It was named the Jack Bailiff, Post 643, and honor of one of the failing war heroes who died overseas.
In June 1922, the Scranton Times is being delivered in Vandling.
Garbage removal began as a result of a 1922 and ordinance.
On July 13, 1922, a child's health Center was established for children between the ages of two and six.
Vandling had only 2% (25 people) illiterates in the town. This was the lowest number according to percentage of population a Lackawanna County.
Fries and cleans garage on Main Street, was opened in 1923. In May 1924, the AMT store is open Vandling.
By a ruling of the State Department, in September 1925, Vandling was entered as a four year high school. Now, high school students to get their complete education without spending their last year of high school in the Forest City high school.
On June 18, 1926, the first class in the history of Vandling finished a four year course. The September 1926, school enrollment was 392 pupils and 12 teachers.
On May 26, 1932, Cal water Evans Junior, general manager of the Hudson coal company, presented officials of the Clinton cholerae with the company safety fled for having the least number of accidents within a three month. They won the fled again in 1933.
Sports wise, Vandling represented the vicinity in the enter County soccer league. For the first time in many years, Vandling was represented in a Pennsylvania into scallop, elastic basketball league, family steam was admitted to the northern elastic league.
In 1934, paneling sewer project was approved by the sea. W. A. It costs $43,000 to replace and modernize the old system of unsanitary cesspools.
Dr. L. A. McAndrew began his medical practice in Vandling, when in 1935 he opened his office.
In July 1939, Benny. Hydro, manager of the Vandling Huskies., Received a letter inviting him to enter his team in the state semi pro baseball tournament, only 16 teams in the state were invited. The Huskies with a regional baseball champions.
All equipment and machinery of the failing silk veil is purchased and the building torn down. This lets Vandling with only the minds for employment.
The Vandling Council decided that no W. P. A. Projects would be sponsored because the borough was unable to meet the 25% cause.
At a meeting of the Vandling Borough Council, author Ken Burns, of the Northeastern Pennsylvania like company, served notice of the borough had to pay off part of the debt owed the company for street lighting. If the $1350 bill was not paid, handling would be blacked out.
In March 1940, Mrs. Mary Corso at was elected per Chris, the first woman in the history of Vandling, and the first woman to hold that position and Lackawanna County. Her election tribute to her husband, the late burgers. Joseph chorus sack.
At this time and ailing sister, he began the economic and financial decline. The total indebtedness to the Scranton electric company was $2216, including $456 interest. The Vandling hose Company declared that the borough did not provide for the maintenance of equipment, the hose Company would disband and sell the fire truck and other equipment to pay off existing debts.
To add to Vandling's economic plight, World War II began. Gasoline, sugar and coffee were rationed. They were meatless and meatless days. Katherine for not campus town to get facts for the manufacturers of explosives. At the same time the entire nation was being called and the scrap metals and cloth to keep the work women factories running.
Vandling scroll of honor was dedicated in the vacant lot near a follow me store. 88 names were on the board. A huge parade celebrated the dedication of the war memorial.
The 1940 for a couple report of the Vandling Council showed that the total Borough indebtedness of $3500 in 1936 was reduced to $350.
A total of $14,193.63. War stamps and bonds were purchased by the students and teachers of Vandling school. There was 100% participation.
Scholastically, Vandling was well known for its good spellers. Failing entered the Lackawanna County spelling contests and very frequently produced winners. Failing took first prize in 1926, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1944, 1945 and 1952. 20 other schools participated in these vets.
On January 3, 1945, May Bartlett, nine years old damning girl, was murdered by her and sermon check, winner of the second place honors for his class and countywide competition, confessed to the crime. Myron was 14 years old, the youngest murder defendant ever to face the court Lackawanna County. Although his eighth save him from the death penalty, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
01% wage and profit tax, which became effective February 15, 1949, was adopted by the bailing school board.
In June 1949, the Vandling Borough Council enacted legislation aimed at regulating blasting and strip mining in the borough limits. A measure banning mining and strip blasting after 11 PM.
On January 21, 1951, Forest City and Vandling school boards held a joint meeting to discuss the possibility of merging school facilities. In 1953, Vandling's seventh through 12th grade students were sent to Forest City on a tuition basis. Grades 1 to 6 attended school in Vandling.
On April 23rd, 1957, Vandling asked to transfer from the Lackawanna County school districts to the Forest City joined school district.
In 1957 The Hwy. from the former Richmond Dale cholerae to the Kennedy's corner was relocated. This removes several curves in the Hwy.
On August 19, 1957, Vandling was officially included in the forest city joint school system.
Bentley received $1786 in civil defense warning equipment from the federal Defense administration.
In June 1960, Lewis Sheryl sack wrote to Henry Fuller, chairman of the Lackawanna County Republican committee explaining the need for home delivery of mail in Vandling. Mr. Sheriff sack also sent copies to Congressman William Scranton and Sen. use Scott. Ms. Scranton started an effort of Washington for home delivery of the mail. On a Tober first, 1960, home mail delivery Vandling began. A follow me store was the contract branch office,. Mailboxes were also set up the Kennedy store.
On Sunday, February 5, 1962, the new dial telephone system was begun.
In the summer of 1964 largest and grandest firemen's parade was held in Vandling. Centennial clubs and organizations appeared in their old-fashioned costumes and made the parade great success.
In 1965, Vandling received his new $18,500 firetruck. One of the biggest and best in the area, and has seven passenger can the dedication ceremony was held in August, and the new hose Company building.
In May 1965, Vandling acquired a dumping site from the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
In October 1965 Vandling received the pedestrian safety award from the AAA motor club of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Now, in 1968, Vandling has the following businesses: three Phase, a car wash, three gas stations, a car dealer, a general store, a post office, a wholesale dealer, to beauty shops and a barbershop, and to dress factories.
Vandling is a onetime prosperous mining town. One thinks of Vandling as an unexciting hometown with no thoughts of exuberant spirits of his founders, or its interesting history; one easily forgets the progressive and noble spirits of the early settlers of residences.
As the coal company, Clinton Fuel Sales, on Main Street, drains the remaining coal from Vandling's veins, one analyzes the great future of Vandling once had in the 1890s to the 1900s. How easily Vandling could have expanded to a moderately populated town. Why didn't Vandling's forefathers plan ahead? Didn't they realize that the coal would not last forever? When the coal ran short, there were no industries or factories for employment. Out of necessity, families moved from Vandling.
Vandling's population is only 578, too small for school, too small for a church and luckily, too small for the rush and impatience of hazardous streets, busy pedestrians, air pollution and large-scale crimes.
Vandling is a suburban town dependent upon neighboring cities for employment, education and religious pursuits. The people of Vandling, a hospitable, interested and friendly. There are several social organizations such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Explorers, the ladies auxiliary, political clubs of bowling and baseball teams.
The Vandling area is a hunting and fishing paradise; Vandling has neighboring ski resorts, golf courses and splendid lakes for swimming, water skiing and sailing.
All of these things, plus civic pride, make Vandling of very pleasant place to live.
The above is from an article "Vandling Borough Historry by Margaret Sheroshek" Forest City News, Thursday, May 2, 1968. Used with permission.
The new populated section of Vandling was called St. Patrick’s named after Patrick Gray, one of the warrantees who obtained parts of the southeastern section of Vandling, on April 3, 1792. Through a series of wills, grants, and indentures by the owners of the land from Philadelphia, New York, and Carbondale, PA, the land of the present-day residential section was finally purchased by the Northern Coal and Iron Co. from Robert L. Kennedy, of New York, on April 18, 1866. Actual settling of Vandling, then called Clintonville, probably began soon after 1866. The first purchases of land for settling and establishing industries were by the Northern Coal & Iron Co., the Hillside Coal & Iron Co., and the Delaware & Hudson Coal Co.
Fell Township of which Vandling is a part, was heavily wooded, and the converting of the forest into lumber was the important industry; sawmills sprang up along the water courses, and tanneries, to utilize the bark, soon followed. Until the discovery of coal, lumbering, tanning and farming were the only occupations carried on in the township. In 1864, the Williams Coal Mine, on Elk Creek was opened, and later the mines of the Delaware & Hudson Coal Co., around which sprang the small village of Clintonville. The name Clintonville probably originated from the names of the D&H Coal Co. mines in the area—the Clinton mines.
Fell Township was divided into four districts. Clintonville was in the fourth district, the extreme northeastern part of the township.
Abraham H. Vandling, a former land agent, took an active interest in the village and was appointed superintendent of the D&H Coal Co. mines in the area.
Already, in the year 1891, the Clinton Colliery of the D&H Coal Co. had mined 122,832 tons of coal, shipped 17,737 tons, and worked a total of 221 days.
There were 50 dwellings in Clintonville at this time. James J. Lavin was granted a license for a hotel in March 1892, and built Clintonville’s first hotel. Clintonville was exclusively a mining town bordering the Moosic Mountains, five miles north of Carbondale, and one mile south of Forest City. Clintonville had an area of two square miles. According to an article in the Scranton Tribune, April 14, 1892, the houses were built with the latest modern improvements, in a neat manner. Clintonville already had a good-sized hotel, a general merchandise store run by H. D. Mitchell, and a meat market. Of a progressive spirit, the inhabitants were agitating for a post office. Residents expected a depot placement on the Erie Railroad. They boasted of the finest water in this section of the state, and they had water works within two miles of the mainland. The D&H Coal Co. breaker was erected in July and had a capacity of 800 tons of coal per day. The coal was of excellent quality with little or no dirt. Mine boss Wm. Bryden and weighing clerk Fred Smith, directed the mines. Clintonville had the best school building in Fell Township. The mines employed 350 men and the total payroll was $12,000 per month. Undoubtedly, Clintonville was a good area for real estate, and the investors were taking advantage of the cheap building lots.
This prediction appeared in the April 14, 1892 issue of the Scranton Tribune "Clintonville will, without a doubt, in a short time be a prominent place among the D&H mining towns because of its commanding position and excellent view."
The Union Sunday school was organized in February 1893. The officers of the 40 member organization were Richard Llewellyn, secretary and Harry Vizzard, treasurer.
A post office was established in Clintonville on February 21, 1893. First Postmaster was H. D. Mitchell. The name of the village was then changed to Vandling, in honor of Abraham H. Vandling, of Scranton.
At this time, Vandling news was being reported in the Carbondale Leader, by Benjamin B. Milton, a Vandling resident. The Forest City News had an interesting weekly coverage of Vandling happenings.
A lot was laid out by the D&H Coal Co. for the Congregational Church in the parsonage on Main Street. The ground was leased by the trustees of the church at a rental charge of $.10 a year for 10 years. The contract provided that the Ladies Aid Society could purchased the land for $750 any time within 10 years.
Vandling people received word that beginning May 28, 1893, passenger trains would stop the Vandling, thus making Vandling depot on the Jefferson branch of the Erie Railroad.
On June 1, 1893, this prediction appeared in the Forest City News: "We think in the future there will be a Borough of Vandling that will rival the population of Forest City. At the present rate of growth, very soon our hamlet will demand something better in the way of local government than Fell Township can give us."
At this time, houses on Main Street were rented for $7 to $10 a month with a $.75 water rent.
The road north of Vandling is graded in 1893, and a new stone bridge was built across the creek. Company hands were clearing the brush for the opening of Railroad Street, parallel to Main Street.
On October 21, 1893, Vandling experiences first major fire. Owen Rooney’s $4,000 hotel was completely destroyed by fire. The hotel was later rebuilt.
The population of Vandling in 1893 was 460.
Vandling's first football team was organized in November. In March 1894, a brass band was organized. Charles Melville was the bandleader.
On June 7, 1894, the ground was broken for the Congregational Church. The 22' x 44' structure was to have 22 x 40 annex, and was to seat 350 people. The basement was made for social events. The parsonage was 20' x 26'. The triangular lot (203' x 235' x 215' ), was on Main Street, across from the post office. Henry Bor, of Forest City, was contractor. Rev. J. G. Evans, Vandling's first pastor, lived in the Wedeman building until the parsonage was completed.
In June 1984 and Vandling picnic grounds was cleared and arranged by the band members.
Lackawanna County appointed viewers to lay out a proposed road and Fell Township--a public road from Carbondale to Vandling, at a point called Ash Street, running northwest and ending on the county line between Lackawanna and Susquehanna counties.
The first Hose Co. was organized in the summer of 1894. The members were: A. D. Bryden, president; William Lavin, vice president; Ezra Thomas, secretary; G. E. Wederman, treasurer; John Evans, firemen, and Wells Burdick, pipeman.
On July 19, 1894, Dr. J. W. McGuire, a Baltimore Medical Center graduate, began his practice in Vandling. He was Vandling's first doctor.
In the summer of 1894, a Forest City correspondent of the Scranton Tribune, termed Vandling, "a suburb of Forest City." There were heated discussions about the remark. An article in the Forest City news by an irate Vandling resident said, "Forest City may soon be a suburb of Vandling, if Vandling grows as his is expected."
Grades are taking, and a contract was made for street cars to run on Main Street.
On August 9, 1894, a contract was made for launching the Vandling school building to accommodate the increasing number of students.
On Saturday, August 25, the cornerstone of the Congregational Church was laid.
In the year 1894, Vandling acquired many new businesses. Sing Loo, opened a "washee-washee" on June 5. Michael Gorman established a boarding house. J. D. Kennedy built a three-story structure on S. Main St.; the first floor was for store, the second for dwellings, and the third was a social store. Ella Schein opened the millinery and dressmaking store in July. In August, Thomas Madden opened a grocery store and the confectionery store. H. D. Bryden opened a dry goods store and a men's shop in the team Geuther building. John Yeager built Vandling's first livery stable. In November, a blacksmith shop was built, and failings first barber shop was opened by William Gray.
D & H Coal Co. made arrangements with the Rocke Cliffe water company to lay water mains to connect the Vandling with Brace broke, in case the supply in the D&H Company Reservoir ran short.
December 20, 1894, Abrahams H. Vandling visited the Congregational Church and donated $100. He called it, "the prettiest little church in the valley." The church was dedicated on January 22, 1895. Richard Lewellyn had previously organized a 40 member choir to participate in the ceremonies.
On January 25, 1895, the officers of the recently organized branch of the Washington National Building and Loan Association were elected: William Bryden, president, Thomas Harris, secretary, and Mrs. F. G. Osgood, treasurer.
On September 2, 1895, a Literary, Debating and Musical Society was organized. William Bryden, president, and Ezra Thomas, secretary, were the officers. The Literary Committee was composed of B. Milton, Thomas Johns, S. T. Fitzpatrick, Robert Jacques and Albert Nichcol.
Over the summer 14 new houses were built in Vandling. Vandling was steadily growing, both population and social affairs were improving.
In 1896, five people applied for hotel licenses of Vandling; two applied for restaurant licenses, and a wholesale dealer's license was applied for. The people protested. They felt that the sale of alcohol beverages great enough. Vandling, they felt, needed no more restaurants.
On March 5, 1896, the people of Vandling and Richmondale held a mass meeting to decide whether they should jointly be incorporated into a borough instead of being governed under fell Township. Richmondale decided to remain in fell Township. Vandling had to make its own decision.
Manager S. Wilson, and the Vandling. "Reds" baseball team called the club picnic August 17. The Reds challenged any club in Carbondale or vicinity between the ages of 14 and 17 to meet them on Vandling's new baseball diamond.
E. J. O’Keefe, Vandling's enthusiastic inventor filed for a patent in the Department of Washington, with drawings and specifications for a device he invented. According to the Forest City News it was an improvement in boxes holding miners’ squibs and matches. Neither awkward, nor complicated, it was a long tin box, oval in shape, with compartments for holding different articles.
In 1897, the Lodge of the Shields of Honor was formed.
A retaining wall on the schoolhouse front on Main Street was built and an iron fence installed.
On January 27, 1898, the $1600 school building was completely destroyed by fire. Luckily, it was totally covered by insurance. School is being held in the vacant store room of the Wedemam building. Fell Township announced that it would rebuild the school as soon as the insurance was settled.
There was a movement to organize a county football league, consisting of Richmondale, Priceburg, Providence, Avoca and Vandling. Vandling boasted of the strongest players-- Michael Melvin and James Murnin, who had previously played in England.
Undefeated in the area, Vandling Baseball team was searching for competition in the Wayne and Susquehanna counties.
Fell Township made Vandling school graded in 1898. They also impose the following regulations: all students aged 8 to 16 had to attend school 70% of the time; except for those students, aged 13 to 16, who were employed. These students had to attend night school for 16 weeks.
In 1899, there were 145 families, all dependent on employment in the D&H Coal company, and Hillside Coal and Iron Company mines. Simpson dominated the government of Fell Township. One sixth of the revenue of the Township came from Vandling, although no attention was paid to the school, highways, and other needs of the village. There was considerable agitation and discontentment among residents. They wanted to make Vandling a borough. On May 2, 1899, a meeting was held and the initial steps were taken to separate Vandling from Fell Township. James Madden, Richard Llewllyn and William Sredenschek were chosen to engage lawyers to settle the matter. Attorneys Williard, Warren and Knapp, of Scranton were engaged.
A finance committee composed of Charles Viney, and Benjamin Milton canvassed the town and collected $80 to defray the cost of legal bills.
On May 27, 1899, a petition was submitted asking for the creation of a borough. Of the 73 freeholders in the village, 67 signed the borough petition, and 50 of the 60 tax holders signed. The hearing was held before the Hon. Judge H. M. Edwards, on August 14.
On October 17, 1899, Judge Edwards declared the creation of the borough. Vandling was made a separate school district and election district.
The first election was held in Peter Butler's Hotel on November 7, 1899. This election took place to elect temporary officers of the borough and officials for the school district.
On February 22, 1900, the first permanent election took place. The following officials were elected: Burgess, J. P. Madden; Justice of the peace, Charles Viney; Overseer of the Poor, Joseph Bosick; Tax Collector, Nathaniel Davis; Borough Auditor, J. D. Kennedy; High Constable, Owen Rooney; Constable, Michael Melvin; Judge of Election, Robert Burt; Inspecter, James Williams; Borough Assessor, Richard Llewellyn; Borough Treasurer, P. H. Kearney; Street Commissioner, P. A. Butler.
In 1900 a police force was established in the borough.
On January 9, 1900, and ordinance was passed stating that steam and electric cars could not exceed 6 mph. The penalty for violation was a $25 fine.
In 1903, Vandling had much to offer his residence: for general merchandise stores, a drugstore, two hotels, a boarding house, a wholesale dealer free meat markets, and a half interest store, a men's shop, a livery stable, a blacksmith shop and a Chinese laundry, to boot and shoe stores, three confectionery stores, a lunchroom, a barber shop, a post office, the first Methodist Church, a fire department, a practicing doctor, a railroad depth, though, picnic grounds, a brass band and drum corps, the bull and baseball teams, a literary, musical and the baiting society, a large of the shields of honor, a working man's second death benefit fund, and high hopes for further development.
In the summer of 1805, a geographical Museum of the Vandling school, was it was install. It contained information of photographs from all over the world.
A meeting was held to organize and install YMCA game and athletic rooms in the rented hall. President of the local organization which Joseph Paynter, vice president. William Bailey; secretary, William Shawn's, and treasurer, James Mitchell.
On October 26, 1905, the last dollar in debt was paid off to fill Township.
In 1906, Vandling became a member of the anthracite Association legal for both teams.
On March 2, 1906, the Board of Health was organized.
In August, Vandling Council purchased a double jail cell to be established in the borough building.
On May 30, 1907, the Vandling hose Company had the plans drawn for their new building. It was 28' x 40'. The upper story was to house a social hall.
250 students enrolled in the Vandling high school in September, 2007.
On up to 17th, 1907,, the Vandling Council ordered either stolen or flagstone sidewalks to be laid within 30 days on all properties in the borough.
October 20, 1908, and ordinance is made which granted the contract for street lighting to the Lackawanna electric light and power Company.
In November 1908, the fire Ms. Hall was completed.
On February 16, 1909, an election was held to decide whether or not to purchase the hose Company building for Borough Hall. The voters decided to purchase the building. The jail cell at the voting place removed from Peter Butler's Hotel to the new borough building.
Failing school colors were chosen, purple and gold.
On July 6, 1911, the Hillside coal and iron Company started working on a new tunnel which extended from beneath oak street to the gray slope mind.
Another social club was organized the Vandling Cody club.
In 1912, curb stones were laid in Vandling.
The week of February 11, 1914, stormy us in the history of Vandling. It was 14 to 21° below zero, first with 12 to 20 feet high, and streetcars were tied up until March 7. This was the quote Billy Sunday's storm."
On February 17, 1914, a contract was granted to the day nor contracting company to grade the road in preparation for painting.
On May 28, 1914, the following statement appeared in the Forest City news: "our town is enjoying a genuine boom. Vandling will and, and must grow."
On January 28, 1915, the paving of bad Vandling's Main Street was completed.
The curfew ordinance was passed in 1915, stating that no child of 16 could be out in the public streets, avenues, alleys, dance halls, or public places after 9:00 PM.
Dr. E. E. Costello began his practice in 1950. Vandling then had two doctors.
April 17 were World War I, and took 64 of Vandling's men and boys for military duty.
The school board awarded a contract to Joseph J. Nolan to build a new school building. The structure was to be completed by August 1, 1918.
A Solvay society was organized in Vandling in 1918. Joseph collaboratives was secretary.
On June 28, 1919, Vandling held a massive "welcome home" celebration for the servicemen.
J. J. Walker, a Forest City, purchase the old school building for $3000. He planned to use it for manufacturing for purposes.
According to the 1920 census, Vandling's population was increasing. In 1910, there were 985 people and in 1920, there were 1258 people.
The Vandling still growing company was established in the old high school building in June 1921.
In September 1921, opposed of the American Legion was installed. It was named the Jack Bailiff, Post 643, and honor of one of the failing war heroes who died overseas.
In June 1922, the Scranton Times is being delivered in Vandling.
Garbage removal began as a result of a 1922 and ordinance.
On July 13, 1922, a child's health Center was established for children between the ages of two and six.
Vandling had only 2% (25 people) illiterates in the town. This was the lowest number according to percentage of population a Lackawanna County.
Fries and cleans garage on Main Street, was opened in 1923. In May 1924, the AMT store is open Vandling.
By a ruling of the State Department, in September 1925, Vandling was entered as a four year high school. Now, high school students to get their complete education without spending their last year of high school in the Forest City high school.
On June 18, 1926, the first class in the history of Vandling finished a four year course. The September 1926, school enrollment was 392 pupils and 12 teachers.
On May 26, 1932, Cal water Evans Junior, general manager of the Hudson coal company, presented officials of the Clinton cholerae with the company safety fled for having the least number of accidents within a three month. They won the fled again in 1933.
Sports wise, Vandling represented the vicinity in the enter County soccer league. For the first time in many years, Vandling was represented in a Pennsylvania into scallop, elastic basketball league, family steam was admitted to the northern elastic league.
In 1934, paneling sewer project was approved by the sea. W. A. It costs $43,000 to replace and modernize the old system of unsanitary cesspools.
Dr. L. A. McAndrew began his medical practice in Vandling, when in 1935 he opened his office.
In July 1939, Benny. Hydro, manager of the Vandling Huskies., Received a letter inviting him to enter his team in the state semi pro baseball tournament, only 16 teams in the state were invited. The Huskies with a regional baseball champions.
All equipment and machinery of the failing silk veil is purchased and the building torn down. This lets Vandling with only the minds for employment.
The Vandling Council decided that no W. P. A. Projects would be sponsored because the borough was unable to meet the 25% cause.
At a meeting of the Vandling Borough Council, author Ken Burns, of the Northeastern Pennsylvania like company, served notice of the borough had to pay off part of the debt owed the company for street lighting. If the $1350 bill was not paid, handling would be blacked out.
In March 1940, Mrs. Mary Corso at was elected per Chris, the first woman in the history of Vandling, and the first woman to hold that position and Lackawanna County. Her election tribute to her husband, the late burgers. Joseph chorus sack.
At this time and ailing sister, he began the economic and financial decline. The total indebtedness to the Scranton electric company was $2216, including $456 interest. The Vandling hose Company declared that the borough did not provide for the maintenance of equipment, the hose Company would disband and sell the fire truck and other equipment to pay off existing debts.
To add to Vandling's economic plight, World War II began. Gasoline, sugar and coffee were rationed. They were meatless and meatless days. Katherine for not campus town to get facts for the manufacturers of explosives. At the same time the entire nation was being called and the scrap metals and cloth to keep the work women factories running.
Vandling scroll of honor was dedicated in the vacant lot near a follow me store. 88 names were on the board. A huge parade celebrated the dedication of the war memorial.
The 1940 for a couple report of the Vandling Council showed that the total Borough indebtedness of $3500 in 1936 was reduced to $350.
A total of $14,193.63. War stamps and bonds were purchased by the students and teachers of Vandling school. There was 100% participation.
Scholastically, Vandling was well known for its good spellers. Failing entered the Lackawanna County spelling contests and very frequently produced winners. Failing took first prize in 1926, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1944, 1945 and 1952. 20 other schools participated in these vets.
On January 3, 1945, May Bartlett, nine years old damning girl, was murdered by her and sermon check, winner of the second place honors for his class and countywide competition, confessed to the crime. Myron was 14 years old, the youngest murder defendant ever to face the court Lackawanna County. Although his eighth save him from the death penalty, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
01% wage and profit tax, which became effective February 15, 1949, was adopted by the bailing school board.
In June 1949, the Vandling Borough Council enacted legislation aimed at regulating blasting and strip mining in the borough limits. A measure banning mining and strip blasting after 11 PM.
On January 21, 1951, Forest City and Vandling school boards held a joint meeting to discuss the possibility of merging school facilities. In 1953, Vandling's seventh through 12th grade students were sent to Forest City on a tuition basis. Grades 1 to 6 attended school in Vandling.
On April 23rd, 1957, Vandling asked to transfer from the Lackawanna County school districts to the Forest City joined school district.
In 1957 The Hwy. from the former Richmond Dale cholerae to the Kennedy's corner was relocated. This removes several curves in the Hwy.
On August 19, 1957, Vandling was officially included in the forest city joint school system.
Bentley received $1786 in civil defense warning equipment from the federal Defense administration.
In June 1960, Lewis Sheryl sack wrote to Henry Fuller, chairman of the Lackawanna County Republican committee explaining the need for home delivery of mail in Vandling. Mr. Sheriff sack also sent copies to Congressman William Scranton and Sen. use Scott. Ms. Scranton started an effort of Washington for home delivery of the mail. On a Tober first, 1960, home mail delivery Vandling began. A follow me store was the contract branch office,. Mailboxes were also set up the Kennedy store.
On Sunday, February 5, 1962, the new dial telephone system was begun.
In the summer of 1964 largest and grandest firemen's parade was held in Vandling. Centennial clubs and organizations appeared in their old-fashioned costumes and made the parade great success.
In 1965, Vandling received his new $18,500 firetruck. One of the biggest and best in the area, and has seven passenger can the dedication ceremony was held in August, and the new hose Company building.
In May 1965, Vandling acquired a dumping site from the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
In October 1965 Vandling received the pedestrian safety award from the AAA motor club of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Now, in 1968, Vandling has the following businesses: three Phase, a car wash, three gas stations, a car dealer, a general store, a post office, a wholesale dealer, to beauty shops and a barbershop, and to dress factories.
Vandling is a onetime prosperous mining town. One thinks of Vandling as an unexciting hometown with no thoughts of exuberant spirits of his founders, or its interesting history; one easily forgets the progressive and noble spirits of the early settlers of residences.
As the coal company, Clinton Fuel Sales, on Main Street, drains the remaining coal from Vandling's veins, one analyzes the great future of Vandling once had in the 1890s to the 1900s. How easily Vandling could have expanded to a moderately populated town. Why didn't Vandling's forefathers plan ahead? Didn't they realize that the coal would not last forever? When the coal ran short, there were no industries or factories for employment. Out of necessity, families moved from Vandling.
Vandling's population is only 578, too small for school, too small for a church and luckily, too small for the rush and impatience of hazardous streets, busy pedestrians, air pollution and large-scale crimes.
Vandling is a suburban town dependent upon neighboring cities for employment, education and religious pursuits. The people of Vandling, a hospitable, interested and friendly. There are several social organizations such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Explorers, the ladies auxiliary, political clubs of bowling and baseball teams.
The Vandling area is a hunting and fishing paradise; Vandling has neighboring ski resorts, golf courses and splendid lakes for swimming, water skiing and sailing.
All of these things, plus civic pride, make Vandling of very pleasant place to live.
The above is from an article "Vandling Borough Historry by Margaret Sheroshek" Forest City News, Thursday, May 2, 1968. Used with permission.